In-Ovo Sexing Market Penetration Report

Innovate Animal Ag’s In-Ovo Sexing Market Penetration Report seeks to understand the scale at which in-ovo sexing has been rolled out. To do this, we with directly the companies commercializing in-ovo sexing technology to understand the volume of hens being hatched using in-ovo sexing. We then use this data, along with an estimate of the current layer flock size in Europe, to estimate the current market penetration of the technology.

Our first report indicated that that, as of September 2023, at least 56.4 million of the 389 million hens in the European Union were sexed in-ovo, indicating a 15% market penetration after only 5 years in the market.

We plan to update this figure every six months, and use this data to create projections of the technology’s future growth.

Further Reading